Monday, February 28, 2011

The monsters known as Venus Flytraps Part III

At the city… “Hey, watch where you’re driving!” yelled Marty at the oncoming and panicking drivers.
“Wow, everyone in the city is driving away from these things and we’re the only people crazy enough to drive to them,” said Danny “I mean just look at those things!” So all the people in the car looked at the Venus flytraps and saw something odd they hadn’t noticed before, some of the Venus flytraps were falling down.
“Why are they all falling?” asked Danny.
“Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants, they need to eat flies or bugs to survive and their new metabolism requires more than they can get.” answered Marty.
“Well if they’re carnivorous why don’t they just eat people?” asked Danny.
“They’re probably trying to, but anyone and probably everyone who saw these things would run away as fast as possible. Now please no more questions I’m trying to drive through a whole city of scared people, so we can go and kill these plants!!!” said Marty very angrily.
“Sorry.” said Danny in a moody way. “Hey Nick, are you okay? You haven’t said a word since we left the nuclear plant.” Then Nick remembered how at the nuclear plant Danny had come up with the idea of weed killer on the flytraps and how they should go to spray them. He also remembered how they had stocked up on weed killer as they left the deserted garden supply store.
“Yeah I’m fine.” said Nick as sarcastically as he could. “My science project is just going to destroy everything, even though it wouldn’t be if I’d just remembered my stupid project in the first place. So yeah, I’m just swell.”
“Well just calm down, we can beat these things I mean how many are there, 7, maybe 8.” Danny said. reassuring Nick things would be okay.
“50.” said Marty, “It’s actually more like 52.”
“Well you didn’t have to say that.” said Danny who was now angry.
“Look, why don’t we just let swat deal with this I mean it already looks like 7 cars full of people have already arrived.” Then Nick realized what he had just said. The plants now had 7 cars full of people who were about to be eaten and keep the fly traps going on for a very long time.
“We’re here.” Said Marty, “Get out and spray as many of them as you can.” So when all three of them left the vehicle and loaded up on spray they ran and attacked all the plants they could, all except for Marty who had left the kids to be eaten and save his own life.
Once Nick realized this he yelled to Danny “Hey, where’s Marty?” To this question Danny just shrugged. After which he shook his can of weed killer, picked at the lid, and through spinning spray all around until it hit a fly trap and knocked to the ground.
“I can’t believe that worked!” Danny yelled over to Nick.
“Probably because they’re starving,” Nick yelled back, “So we can’t let them get the swat soldiers. Then they ran over to the swat team to help them, killing all the Venus flytraps they could then when they got there they tried to tell a swat soldier what they were doing.
But the soldier just said, “What are you kids doing here don’t you see those monsters? Here get behind me.” Nick and Danny tried to tell him what was going on but the soldier wouldn’t let them. “Get ready boys!” yelled the soldier as the flytrap directly in front of them snapped down his big leafy head to swallow them.
To be continued…

My character Adam Sandler

If I were having a movie about myself, I would like Adam Sandler to play my character. Adam Sandler is very funny and in a lot of movies which is why I would like him best to play my part. Another reason is that whenever you see a television commercial with Adam Sandler you know the movie has to be good. When I made the decision of Adam Sandler for my movie I was also thinking Johnny Depp but Adam Sandler has been in some of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen, such as Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Bedtime Stories, Grown Ups, and Click. All these movies against Johnny Depp’s movies make me think Adam is the better choice for my comedic ways, even though Johnny is both funny and skilled in Pirates of the Caribbean. So in the end I just feel Adam Sandler would really fit me and my dialogue.

The monsters known as Venus Flytraps Part II

Later that day during History class… “Okay children, please open your textbooks to page 79” commanded the teacher.
As they were opening the textbooks they heard a giant crashing sound and ran to the window and you could hear all the kids scream, “It’s a giant plant!”
Then the alarms of the school sounded and all the children ran out of the building and Danny said to Nick,” hey weren’t you holding that earlier today on the bus?!”
“I was!” yelled Nick over the sound of the screaming and panicking school.
At the magazine store… “Hey isn’t that one of our Venus fly traps?” said a worker.
“Move over let me see,” said Marty,” Oh my, oh my, oh my how did this happen?” as he ran to the seed pile they had and there he saw it a big glob of green slimy ooze.
Then the doors burst open, and in came running Nick and Danny,” Hey!” said Nick, “I ordered one your guys’… Whatever’s and now it’s destroying everything!” Wait you don’t even know what it’s called?” asked Danny. “Look kid, it’s called a Venus fly trap and we don’t know how this happened but I know who does.” he said as he pointed to the green ooze from the wall.
At the nuclear plant… “What is going on over here?!” yelled Marty. “Nice to meet you,” said a man, “I run this place and my name is Mr. Travonski. Who might you be?”
As an answer Marty said “I am Marty I run the business right next to-
“Look,” interrupted Nick, “some slime stuff got on a bunch of plant seeds next door through a hole in the wall how’d it get there?”
“Well we are a nuclear plant so we are going to have some slime.” Answered Mr. Stravinsky
 “No, I mean the hole.” corrected Nick.
“Why didn’t you just say so?” asked Mr. Travinski “Well we have had an increased number of accidents lately maybe that has something to do with it. Why are you asking all these questions?”
“Nick here,” said Danny while pointing to Nick,” forgot to do his science project so he ordered a Venus flytrap, and your guys’ gooey stuff got all over the seeds and made his plant grow into a giant.”
“He got a plant from a magazine store?” Mr. Travinski asked curiously.
“Yes,” answered Marty we give a Venus flytrap seed to each of our subscribers.“
Suddenly Marty got a worried looked on his face, “THE OTHER SEEDS!!!” After that he ran out of the building with the others following him, and when they got back to the magazine store they saw it… A big empty box, exactly where all the seeds were.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The monsters known as Venus Flytraps Part I

“Oh man,” said Nick “I have a science project due on Monday and I forgot about it.  It’s Saturday!”
So he threw his magazine to the ground in frustration.  Interestingly, it opened to the last page with an ad for a free Venus flytrap, as long as you subscribe. Nick remembered how his science teacher had been talking about these the previous week at school. Quickly, he filled in the subscription and sent his order for the carnivorous vegetation.
The next day at the magazine store… “Looks like we got another subscription, Marty” said a worker.
“Just send the kid a packet and this month’s issue.” said Marty.
So the worker put a seed packet inside a box with a magazine and sent it to Nick. But what they didn’t know, was that there was a hole in the wall dripping ooze from the next door nuclear plant, and the ooze from the nuclear plant was dripping right on the Venus flytrap.
The next morning at Nick’s house… “Wow, that package came just in time!” He said as he could see the bus coming and remembering last night when the package arrived at his front door.” And it really grew; I thought I would have to do stuff to it.”
What Nick didn’t know was that no one had cared for the plant or even knew it had really become a plant.
When he got to the bus he saw his friend Danny and sat down next to him,” Hi Danny,” he said,” what is your science project?”
“What?” said Danny,” That was due today?Oh man…hey can I share your, uh, what is that thing your holding?”
“Oh” acknowledged Nick,” It’s a, um, um it’s a, it’s a,” suddenly Nick realized he forgot the plant’s name!  Oh no! How was he going to show it to his teacher when he couldn’t even remember its name? “I’ll, uh, tell you later. Until then you have to just wait like the rest of the class.” Nick said feeling proud about the excuse he had just made.
Then they got to school and Nick put his flytrap in his locker after saying,” I will see you later today in science… Say, have you gotten bigger?”
To be continued...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011




Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What I am Passionate about

  I am Passionate about my grades. Ever since I can remember I have had straight A’s on my report card, so whenever report card season comes I become much too worried about my grades. Sometimes it gets to the point where I stay up at night worrying. Although when I get my grades and I see they are as great as usual I am happy and very pleased. Later that night I and my family usually eat dinner at a fun pizza restaurant.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapel today

This is what we did today in chapel. Today is Tuesday which means we have chapel. Today I and my 6 classmates made our own Kingdoms with our own rules. 2 of my friends had kingdoms of total anarchy, and one had Michael Jackson as its leader. Others were perfect Kingdoms and others had slaves as civilians. Although in the end we learned why rules are good for us. In the end we learned rules are there to protect us.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A time I felt especially loved

This is a time when I felt especially loved. I felt loved when I made 4 points in a basketball game. A lot of the parents there know me so when I made my first basket of the night the crowd went wild and almost everyone cheered. The second time I made a basket the same thing happened but I was even happier. After that I went home to my family who were very happy for me.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A thank you note

  This is a thank you to all the people who helped with the Crown Leadership Academy auction. My school has had an auction for items and we would like to thank those of you who helped us with it. This goes for people who have donated items, people who have bought items and those who helped us advertise. There have been many people who helped us, so thank you all, from all of us at Crown Leadership Academy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why we shouldn't blame others

  This is why we shouldn’t blame others. If we blame others for our own mistakes they could wrongfully get in trouble. Then we would feel guilt and they would feel the pain. Another way it could go down would be if we blame someone and they say we did it instead and we would get in trouble twice as much for lying. But if we tell the truth we might not get in trouble at all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

This is my new dance craze; it’s called the green eggs and ham.DJ starts rapping “Okay everybody, are yall ready, we take our ham and leave it out for days. Waiting and waiting till changes color, from brown, to back, to green all over. Next we get the eggs and we leave em out to, leave em out cold until they go from white to blue, from blue to green now put on some pepper and eat them both clean. Yes”

Monday, February 7, 2011

My video game design

This is my video game design. If I were to invent a video game it would be an arena adventure game. That mean you could go around and explore then you go to some king of stadium and duel however you might have to. You also wouldn’t need a controller; you would step in a suit and walk around in real life to control the character in the game.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ways I can show love

  These are ways I can show love. I can show love by helping with chores around the house. Another way I can show love is by thanking people for things they give me or just for anything. A third way is by giving other people things. A fourth way I can show love is by playing games with people and getting along.

Egyptian Riots

  Recently there have been riots in Egypt. Over in Egypt the people have been angry with the government so the citizens have been protesting about it. This is bad for us because the Suez Canal is now a “war zone” making it harder and more expensive to travel through there when carrying oil shipments. Also for the people who are there, commodities are much more expensive and there has been a secret police that were sent out and the local jails have been opened letting prisoners escape. Hopefully though, Egyptian life will eventually be better then ever.