Thursday, March 31, 2011

My school's speed

  This is how I can go fast with my work at my school. At my school, we all go through all the classes at our own pace. At most schools every student has to go at the speed as the rest of the class, but here at Crown Leadership Academy we get the chance to go as fast as we can learn the information. Because of this, I have finished the math curriculum, started on a new one, am going to finish science class in 2 weeks (or if I wanted even sooner),  and if any kids need extra help with a subject they get it from both students and the teachers.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why I like the rain

This is how I feel about rain. I like rain more than most people. Some prefer it bright and sunny; I on the other hand like it dark and dreary. A reason for this is that my school uses computers instead of textbooks and I have a window seat, so if I sit at my desk on a bright and sunny day my reflection keeps blocking my screen, making it harder to work. Another reason is that I probably get it from my dad who also enjoys the rain, but the strongest reason I like the rain are the gray clouds in the sky. Sometimes I just like to watch the clouds and see how fast they are going, because many times they are faster than they normally are.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Advice for the interview

Today my mom has a job interview so here is some advice for it. I think since she is interviewing for the job of a tutor she needs to talk about the experiences she has had as a teacher. This could even include that she is starting a school right now as the teacher. She should also say that she used to be a tutor so that the interviewers know she was a veteran. But mostly (and I know my dad would appreciate my saying this) she needs to pray and ask God for help.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The man in the dark cloak

One day a little boy decided to go to the library. He asked the librarian where the science-fiction stories are and she said that they were in the back of the library. When the boy finally got the science-fiction books a man in a dark cloak was there also and started to watch him. When the boy turned to see why the man was looking at him the man was turning around the corner to leave, so the boy decided to follow him. The boy followed the man all around the library, through the non-fictions, to the autobiographies, even to the back of the library. When the boy was just about to catch up with the man the man turned around a corner, and was gone.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What my class did today in chapel

  This is what happened today in chapel. Today in chapel we did a skit about sinning and repenting and turning away from God. My friend Matthew played a normal person who sinned a couple of times but then repented and turned to God. I played a normal person who decided not to repent and kept on getting further and further away from God. The moral was that it was better to repent then stay away from God.

Monday, March 21, 2011

How God protects me

  These are the things God can protect and help me with in my life. God can protect me from anything and everything in my life. He can do so by using my parents, my siblings, my friends, and anything else He needs to. He helps me with whatever I might need help with. He does this by using His power to overcome any obstacle I face.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Billy Graham's impact on Christianity

Earlier today I and my schoolmates watched a video about Billy Graham so using that I am going to write about Billy Graham's impact on Christianity. Billy Graham was able to convert thousands and thousands of people to the Christ. He saved people in international proportions, all the way from North Carolina to Korea. An amazing thing was that he was able to save so many people, by just doing what seemed to be the same message over and over.  This proves that many people want to know of the Christ and can be saved bsy even the same subject, over and over again and Billy Graham proved this.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Whether or not boys and girls should dress formally for church

  This is my statement as to whether boys and girls should dress formally to church or not. I feel there is no definite answer to this question as the real answer depends on your church. There is a difference if you go to a “choir” church as I call it, meaning very prestigious, or a casual church with friends just being around each other and worshiping. In a “choir” church you should indeed wear suits and ties or dresses as is that church’s way, but if you go to a casual church your dress-wear doesn’t matter as long as you are worshiping God.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My current math

This is how far I have gotten in math and what I am doing now. I have finished this school’s math curriculum, so now I am doing an algebra course. To do this algebra course I have to go through a lot of the work I did for the last curriculum but then I will be able to do algebra. But for now I am going over finding the area of triangles and rectangles/ squares and the circumference along with area of circles. Along with this I help many other kids in the school, specifically Lauren Wooddy and Bennett Yuhas.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A prayer for the Japanese

  Japan recently had a terrible earthquake followed by a tremendous tsunami. For the people who suffered casualties during these tragedies I pray this prayer, “God, tons and tons of people have suffered from this and please protect anyone who has had a family member hurt or lost. Please, you have the power to help the families and the people who were hurt and let those who were killed during the terrible disasters be safe in heaven with you. Amen”

A list of countries

Some kids in my school are working on a project with a school in Florida. The project is about different education methods in different countries so here are some countries who's educational techniques, I would like to study.

South Africa


I'm not sure if this counts for the list but I would like to study the Ancient Americans ways of learning.
as well.




Friday, March 11, 2011

Billy Graham's Childhood

To learn about how Billy Graham became a great leader, I am learning about his childhood. He was born November 7, 1918 in Charlotte, North Carolina. He was the first of four children, two boys and two girls. The entire family was Christian Presbyterian, and attended church regularly. In 1933, when the Prohibition ended,Billy's father made him drink beer until he threw up, he did this so they would both hate alcohol. At the age of 16, Billy attended many revival meetings run by the evangelist, Mordecai Ham. Even though Billy was a well-behaved child, Ham's sermons on sin spoke to him. The sermons made him want to follow Christ as much as he could, and give his life to him.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The questions for Wisconsin

Today my school is going to talk over the internet with a school in Wisconsin, and these are the questions I am going to ask them. First of I am going to do the everlasting cheese joke, “Have you been having a Gouda day?”  Next I will ask them how much cheese they usually eat over there in Wisconsin. The next question is whether or not they have any carnivorous plants, because that is a project we are working on together. Finally, the last time we video chatted there was a kid jumping in the background so I might ask, “Why is he jumping?” if he decides to do so today.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My extr-curricular classes

  This is about my extra-curricular classes. My two extra-curricular classes are basketball and guitar. So far guitar has gone pretty well the chords of A, Am, D, C, Cadd9, E, Em, and G. Basketball, on the other hand, ended a while back. When it did, my whole team and I got cool rewards that my coach spared no expense in making. (Even though they were paper plates with marker written on them.) I got the reward for best rebounder, yay! But that was only our coach’s last game; he left the day of our next game for a vacation he had planned a while back. That’s why our assistant coach was the actual coach during the game. The game was very fun and the final score was, I think, 7 to 42 with us as the 42. So that is how my extra-curricular classes have been going so far.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The monsters known as Venus Flytraps Part IV

Right before the giant Venus flytrap was able to swallow them, Nick threw a can of weed killer at it and when the swat agents started to shoot at the monster they got the can as well making an enormous mist of destruction the trap shot its head right into; making the beast fall to the ground in defeat. “That was… Awesome!!!” yelled Danny in excitement. Then Nick and Danny were able to explain what had happened to the plants and how they had their own ammunition ready.
“Well that’s quite a story you boys made up, isn’t it?” said the swat soldier joke fully.
“It’s true!” screamed Nick very angrily, “All of it is completely true, me forgetting my science project, the guy at the magazine store, the nuclear plant, everything!”
“Look kid.” The soldier said now looking dead serious, “This is very serious and I am asking you know not to lie when I ask, is any of that story true?” Then right as Danny was about to answer for Nick, another flytrap came falling down about to land on top of them.
“Run!” yelled Danny. Then they all ran away as fast as they could, right to another plant. So they ran again when suddenly another Venus fly trap came out of nowhere, then another, and another, and yet another.  “AAAAAAAAAAAgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh” yelled the group simultaneously. Then it happened, right before the fly trap squashed them all… Nick woke up.
“Huh, no, stop it, stop It.” said Nick while he was asleep, and abruptly. “Whoa,’ said Nick who was now awake, “what a weird dream.” But then as he was just feeling secure about the dream being a dream he saw a big Venus fly trap on his desk and then he fainted.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My favorite Dr. Seuss book

  My favorite Dr. Seuss book is Green Eggs and Ham. It’s one of the only two I have ever read, but I still think it would probably be my favorite. One of the reasons I like it is because everyone knows it. Sometimes I will be reading a really good novel and tell someone about it and they will say, “Oh, I’ve never heard of this book.” Another reason I like it is the rhyming scheme. I like poetry or books that rhyme because they make me really follow along to hear what will rhyme with what. I am saying this because today is Dr. Seuss’s birthday so say happy birthday and eat green eggs and ham for dinner tonight. J

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My latest science project

  I had a science project yesterday that was very easy. It said to contrast the physical properties of metals and nonmetals. I thought that it meant to go to a molecular level to see the differences but there are so many metals and nonmetals I couldn’t figure out what it meant. But then I found out physical properties just meant stuff like how thick is it, how dense is it, how reflective is it, and stuff like that, so I just had to say that stuff about metals and I passed the project with a 100%.